Aquatics Center

Swimming Amenities

Swimming Amenities

Our pool snack bar is available to our Members and their Guests using the Pool facilities. Limited beverages and snack type foods are available to purchase for your convenience.

Children under 13 must be supervised by an adult at all times. Children ages 10 - 12 will have the opportunity to pass a swim test to be able to use the pool without parental supervision.

Pool Card Access

Pool Card Access

All residents must have a sonitrol access card to enter the pool. The access card for the pool gate is validated and active for all residents with HOA dues that are paid in full. If your dues are not paid in full, the pool access card will not register as activated. The Staff at Woodmont is not in charge of verifying your HOA Dues and will refer you to the HOA for billing and deny access to the pool.

If you are unclear as to your HOA dues status, please contact Sixes Property Management Group at (770) 575-0943 or email

If you are new to the community and need pool access cards, please contact Kirsten McLaughlin in the main clubhouse HERE. The Club provides two access cards, free of charge, to new families. Please note, replacement of lost or stolen access cards are $25 each.

Swimming Center Rules

The Pool Management Company, Pool Committee, and Woodmont will strictly enforce the following rules. The Lifeguards have complete authority. Anyone who does not maintain proper conduct will be asked to leave the pool for the day or longer at the life guards’ discretion. Future disturbances will result in the loss of pool privileges for the season.

  • All infants / children not toilet trained and incontinent individuals must wear swim diapers and plastic pants.
  • At no time will infants/toddlers wearing disposable diapers or cloth diapers be permitted in the pool.
  • Bathers with open wounds, skin conditions, or any communicable conditions not allowed.
  • Children under the age of 13 must be accompanied by an adult or authorized person aged 16 or older.
  • A RESIDENT OR MEMBER MUST ACCOMPANY GUESTS at all times. Four guests per family.
  • NO SOLO bathing.
  • No SMOKING in pool area.
  • No glass, sharp objects or hazardous materials allowed (including I coolers.)
  • NO PETS (animals) other than service animals.
  • No food or drink allowed within five feet (5') of the pool.
  • Bathers shall wear bathing attire.
  • NO spitting, spouting or blowing nose.
  • NO running, pushing or rough play allowed.
  • No alcoholic beverages allowed for anyone under the age of 21 years.
  • Due to state liquor laws, outside alcohol (not purchased on the property) of any type is strictly prohibited at the club pools.
  • The pool committee, lifeguards, Board of Directors and Advisory Committee and employees of the Woodmont Country Club have the authority to disallow exuberant play that may interfere with the enjoyment of the pool by others.
  • Floats are prohibited. Flotation devices for small children are permitted.
  • Children in the wading pool area must be supervised by an adult at all times.
  • Pool may be closed for safety, health, operational reasons or poor weather conditions.
  • If an individual gets sick in the pool, notify the lifeguard on duty or the Certified Pool Operator immediately.
  • Subjects not covered by the above rules will be handled by the lifeguard on duty or Club Management.

Woodmont Golf and Country Club
105 Gaddis Road
Canton, GA 30115

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